Five or six wines were served during our tour of Kloster Eberbach, all good, some amazing. One, an "erstes Gewächs," was bewilderingly delicious and was not for sale. (As I think about this, I bet the Bosch Stiftung paid good money for our tour.)
The verdict on the wine: Es lohnt sich. And then some.
The first course at dinner was a Riesling-Creme-Suppe (Riesling creme soup). Wow. Fantastic. Es lohnt sich ziemlich.
Mastering the art of Riesling-Creme-Suppe is now on my to-do list. If you know some German, you can try this recipe (which I have not). The ingredients are onions, butter, Riesling, broth, sour cream, flour, heavy cream, parsley, salt, and white pepper.
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